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​Mr. Big Stuff's



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Thank you for visiting our website! Please help us get the 1st EVER Stuffed burger truck up & running in San Antonio, Texas!


We need your help getting our 1st food truck up & running!


Mr. Big Stuff's is in the process of finalizing our 1st food truck to be up & running in San Antonio, TX ... for the 1st EVER stuffed burger food truck in town!


We have initiated our crowd funding campaign on Take part in our crowd funding campaign & help us get up & running this summer! Just $5 gets your name on our wall of fame!


Please click on the above link to get full information on our campaign to raise funds for equipment &  to be up &  running here in San Antonio, Texas by this summer!


Even if you contribute $1 it will help! If you cannot contribute, all we ask is that you share our campaign on your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ page. Fill out the form to the right & we will send you more information & keep you updated on our progress!


Thank you for visiting our site!!


Eric Shernell - Founder/CEO Mr. Big Stuff's

Check out our press release here >

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